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About Community Support Frankston


Community Support Frankston (CSF) is a not-for-profit charitable organisation providing services, including Emergency relief for people experiencing hardship, who live within the Frankston municipality.  We are primarily staffed by skilled volunteers who provide their time and services free of charge. 


If you live in one of the following Frankston suburbs, you may be eligible for support at CSF:

  • 3199    (Frankston, Frankston South and Karingal)

  • 3200    (Frankston North)

  • 3201    (Carrum Downs)

  • 3977    (Skye and Sandhurst)

  • 3198    (Seaford)

  • 3910    (Langwarrin and Langwarrin South)


For assessment you will be required to produce current identification with your name and local address (ie: Centrelink Card or Driver’s Licence etc).  Note:  People residing outside of the Frankston area should contact emergency relief providers in their own municipality for assistance.


CSF works in partnership with other local agencies and organisations to help create a Frankston where everyone has access to the resources, services and opportunities that enables people to have a standard of living equal to one that’s enjoyed by the majority.


CSF also coordinate the Frankston Emergency Relief Providers (FERP) Network, bringing local services, workers and volunteers together to assist some of our community’s most vulnerable people.


All services at Community Support Frankston are provided free of charge. 


Community Support Frankston is one of the busiest agencies of its type in Victoria with over 17,000+ cases of supporting vulnerable individuals and families in the past year.

Our History

Community Support Frankston Inc (CSF) is a not-for-profit community support agency that provides services, including emergency food, grocery vouchers, help with utility bills, referrals and advocacy, for people who live or work in the Frankston LGA. CSF is one of the busiest agencies of its type in Victoria.

Formerly known as the Frankston Citizens Advice Bureau (FCAB), the FCAB was established in August 1968 and was directed by the Frankston Community Welfare Committee until 1973 when a subcommittee was formed to take over the administration and planning responsibilities of the Bureau. The FCAB became autonomous and self-managing in April 1977, with its first Annual General Meeting taking place in August of that year. In 2012 the membership voted to change the name of the organisation to Community Support Frankston (CSF), as it was felt that this name provided the community with a better understanding of the organisation’s role and activities.

As more Frankston residents became disadvantaged through unemployment, and other social and emotional problems, the Agency became involved in a number of additional services and activities, including counselling, crisis support, research and community development.


CSF aims to provide people with information, advice and skills so they gain the ability to make more effective life choices within their community. Services are cost-effective because we have over 80 volunteers from a wide range of social, political, religious, cultural and work backgrounds who provide their time and services free of charge. Volunteer workers that have direct contact with the public in a support role must be accredited, which entails successfully completing a 50-hour training course. 


CSF’s workforce is comprised largely of volunteers that keep our services going, we also have an ongoing partnership with Frankston City Council who provide us with in-kind support. We also have a relationship with the Federal Government with Emergency Relief Grant funding, as well as strong community links with numerous orgnaisations such as service clubs, schools, local businesses and philanthropy.

Our Vision

Community Support Frankston works to help create a Frankston where everyone has access to resources, services and opportunities that will enable them to maintain a standard of living equal to that enjoyed by the majority.


Our Strategic Plan outlines our vision, mission, core values, the way we work, our services, priorities, challenges, and commitments.

Our Mission

In partnership with others, Community Support Frankston will provide information, support, advice and advocacy to enhance residents; social, emotional and physical well-being.

Our Values

Community Support Frankston, inspired by over half a century of volunteer community workers, seeks the common good through the fair and equitable treatment of our communities most vulnerable members. We believe in providing services that are impartial and supportive of all diversity, and the right to a fair share of Frankstons resources for all people living in Frankston.

Our Goals

(1)  Provide assessments, information, advice, referral and skills, education that will enable people to make immediate as well as long-term positive life choices.


(2)  Provide support and assistance to individuals and families that present with financial, personal and other forms of hardship


(3)  Advocate to governments, leaders, policy makers and community organisations to maintain adequate and responsive services.


(4) Contribute to efforts, projects and service collaborations aimed at developing and improving essential services for our communities most vulnerable members.


35 Beach Street

Frankston, VIC, 3199​



You will be able to speak with an interviewer via our telephone triage, who will assess your current needs and discuss how we can provide Emergency Relief and essential supports to you. Telephones are manned by our volunteer workers during the following hours:


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

9.30am - 3.30pm


Thursdays - 12.00pm - 3.30pm

(03) 9783 7284

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