Community Support Frankston works together with a number of other service providers to increase its range of services available to disadvantaged people residing in the Frankston area, including:
Bolton Clarke's Homeless Persons Program works with people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and are experiencing physical, mental and psychological health issues. The team provides a primary healthcare response to people on the streets, in parks, at food programs, in low-cost hotels, boarding houses, caravan parks or living in crisis accommodation. They also offer professional nursing care and support and can help locate the organisations that can assist with housing and meals, or legal and financial aid.
Bolton Clarke HPP operates a co-located service at Community Support Frankston and appointments can be made through reception on 03 9783 7284,
TAX HELP (July — October)
People earning under $50,000 per year, who fit ATO criteria, may receive help filling out their tax return from Tax Help volunteers at the Centre.
Please ring Community Support Frankston’s reception on 03 9783 7284 to check if you are eligible and to make an appointment for this free service.
Orange Sky Australia is a free mobile laundry service for people experiencing homelessness. What started as an idea to improve hygiene standards and restore dignity to people doing it tough has evolved into something much bigger and more powerful, as they found that although access to the laundry service is important, it's the conversation and regular connection that create the biggest impact in the community. Each week volunteers help to positively connect with those doing it tough by providing access to free laundry services and genuine, non-judgemental conversation.
Orange Sky Laundry operates its laundry service at Community Support Frankston every Wednesday between 11.30am and 2.00pm and Thursday between 1:30pm - 3:30pm.
This program provides increased access to justice and improved outcomes for a vulnerable cohort of Victorians with multiple and complex needs. The MHLC has established a collaborative and effective project addressing the unmet legal needs of clients who are at risk of or are experiencing homelessness, particularly those experiencing social isolation. Developed through inter-agency co-design and consumer driven service model development, this project has been successfully achieving its objectives of improved access to legal assistance and earlier points of resolution.
Please contact Community Support Frankston’s reception on 03 9783 7284 to make an appointment.
CSF has a nominated Community Engagement Officer from Services Australia, who is there to support those who are highly vulnerable in the community, particularly those at risk of homelessness, with CSF being one of their external co-locations. Lately however the team have been conducting telephone interviews with clients rather than face-to-face meetings.
CSF operates an Optometry Clinic on a regular basis where clients can obtain free eye health checks from a qualified optician.Glasses, if needed, are provided for low-income earners, with costs being covered by CSF.