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Community Support Frankston (CSF) helps local disadvantaged families and individuals experiencing food and financial hardship, especially around the festive season. 


This is an opportunity to support the work of our volunteers by helping us raise funds to purchase non-perishable food items, vouchers, toys. movie tickets and other goods for volunteers to pack into festive hampers - and provide to severely disadvantaged people as part of our Emergency Relief program.


Our organisation works in conjunction with other local emergency relief, welfare agencies and special development schools in Frankston so more people can be assisted with fairer allocation of donations - it also enables us to stretch our combined limited resources.


Last Christmas (2023) CSF coordinated the distribution of 840 festive hampers thanks to your generous cash donations, providing hamper assistance to  2,353 people living in Frankston - including 1,242 children.


Please help us help Frankston families at Christmas.

All monetary donations over $2.00 are tax deductible with receipts issued.


Donate Now:


  • Where to send cheques:


CSF Material Aid Trust

Community Support Frankston

35 Beach Street,

Frankston 3199


  • Click the image below to donate securely through our GiveNow portal:






  • Food Donations - from November onwards we are happy to receive donations of festive groceries that can be sorted into hampers by our volunteers.  This includes puddings, crisps, lollies, custard, jellies, tinned vegetables (any shelf appropriate foods)


  • Cash or new goods can be dropped into the Centre during opening hours – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday – 9.30am to 4.00pm and Thursdays – 12.00 noon to 4.00pm.

We are seeking cash donations to buy non-perishable groceries so we can put together as many festive hampers as possible – each approximately $100 in value.  If you would like to donate or have a fundraising idea, please contact us via email at so we can acknowledge your involvement on our Facebook page and in our Annual Report.

This is an opportunity to:


  • Support the work of our volunteers by helping us raise funds

  • Help disadvantaged people in our neighbourhood

  • Get involved with supporting Frankston’s most disadvantaged residents

Community Support Frankston works in conjunction with the Frankston Emergency Relief Providers (FERP) Network, which includes organisations such as Operation Larder, St Vincent de Paul, Salvocare, OzChild and local Schools, to distribute the hampers purchased by CSF through your donations.  Clients receiving support are all assessed to be in crisis and in need of assistance.


We all work together, with one point for hamper distribution which:


  • Enables us to stretch our combined limited resources

  • Assists more families through fairer allocation of donations

  • Allows other organisations to focus on other festive activities like free Christmas breakfast and lunch to residents in hardship

Our thanks go to local residents, businesses and organisations that donated cash, groceries, and toys.  Your support has made the Frankston Community Appeal a great success every year.

A very special thanks also goes to Operation Larder, who are extremely important partners with their family hamper food donations and some of the volunteer contributions for the food delivery and packing dates.

A further "Thank You" to all the regular donators that allow us to purchase the food, vouchers, toys and other items.  Please see our Annual Report for a list of major sponsors and regular contributors.

Community Support Frankston is an accredited charitable institution. 

ABN - 95 426 151 625
Registered Incorporation Number: A 0000431J (Associations Incorporation Act 1981)
Deductible Gift Recipient and Tax-Exempt Charity Entity (Income Tax Assessment Act 1997)

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